High-Risk Pregnancy

High-Risk Pregnancy Doctor Follow-up in High-Risk Pregnancy Pregnancy is a normal and natural process. In some cases, diseases in the body of the expectant mother

What is Perinatology? (High-Risk Pregnancy)

What is Perinatology? (High-Risk Pregnancy) Perinatology is a discipline related to risk assessment of patients before, during and after pregnancy, feto-maternal; that is, prenatal diagnosis

Mardin-2022 Fotograflar

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Placenta Accreta Spectrum

Placenta Accreta Spectrum 06-07 May 2022

04 June 2021 English Spanish Russian English Spanish Russian 05 June 2021 English Spanish Russian English Spanish Russian “WSPM Online Course- Fetal Heart: Normal and Abnormal”

Korona Virüs Enfeksiyonu Hakkında Bilmemiz Gerekenler

Korona Virüs Enfeksiyonu Hakkında Bilmemiz Gerekenler Korona Virüs Enfeksiyonunda (Covid-19) hastalığın klinik özellikleri nelerdir?Ateş, öksürük ve nefes darlığı gibi solunum yolu belirtileri mevcuttur. Hastalık ağırlaşırsa:

19.Ulusal Perinatoloji Kongresi

DÜZENLEME KURULU Gökhan Göynümer Cihat Şen Murat Yayla Oluş Api Resul Arısoy Ali Gedikbaşı BİLİMSEL PROGRAM Düzenli olarak yapılagelen ulusal kongremiz 29 Eylül – 02

Vakfın Gayesi

Perinatal Tıp Vakfı Olarak; Türkiye’de ve yurtdışında Perinatal Tıp, Obstetrik, Jinekoloji ve diğer tıp bilim dallarının gelişimini sağlamak, bu bilim dallarını ileri düzeylere çıkarmak, eğitim

Abstract Submission

Language of the presentation and the abstract is English. By submitting this presentation, I do accept that all abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in a supplement of Perinatal Journal on the authors' own responsibility and to transfer the copyright for the abstract to be accepted to Perinatal Journal . Please be informed for more details from By submission of your abstract/poster/video presentations, you do accept that all or a portion of presentations, comments, documents and presentation slides/videos presented will be recorded and may be selected for a recorded and on demand web portal for members and other user