Fetal Therapy 18 Sept 2020

English Spanish Russian Türkçe English Spanish Russian Türkçe “Fetal Therapy” is the topic for the online course on the 18th of september, 2020. I am

Placenta Accreta Spectrum 04-05 Sept 2020

04 Sept 2020 Friday English Spanish Russian Türkçe English Spanish Russian Türkçe 05 Sept 2020 Saturday English Spanish Russian Türkçe English Spanish Russian Türkçe After

First Trimester 16-17 July 2020

16 July 2020 English Spanish Russian Türkçe English Spanish Russian Türkçe 17 July 2020 English Spanish Russian Türkçe English Spanish Russian Türkçe After the Covid-19

Fetal Brain 20-21 June 2020

This postgraduate course was planned as onsite course well before but could not be possible due to Covid-19 pandemy and postponed to June 20-21, 2002.

Covid-19 (09 May 2020)

English Russian Türkçe English Russian Türkçe Covid-19 outbreak is treating not just person and population, also may affect the fetus and neonate. During the course

Abstract Submission

Language of the presentation and the abstract is English. By submitting this presentation, I do accept that all abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in a supplement of Perinatal Journal on the authors' own responsibility and to transfer the copyright for the abstract to be accepted to Perinatal Journal . Please be informed for more details from By submission of your abstract/poster/video presentations, you do accept that all or a portion of presentations, comments, documents and presentation slides/videos presented will be recorded and may be selected for a recorded and on demand web portal for members and other user